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Book of Joshua with David LeBlanc

Mar 30, 2020

Book of Joshua #11 Conclusion Mayim Chayim Beit Midrash. Diving deep into Jewish sources, we find some amazing aspects of Joshua's role, mission, and parallels with David LeBlanc.

Mar 30, 2020

Book of Joshua #10 Mayim Chayim Beit Midrash. Diving deep into Jewish sources, we find some amazing aspects of Joshua's role, mission, and parallels with David LeBlanc.

Mar 30, 2020

Book of Joshua #9 Mayim Chayim Beit Midrash. Diving deep into Jewish sources, we find some amazing aspects of Joshua's role, mission, and parallels with David LeBlanc.

Mar 30, 2020

Book of Joshua #8 Mayim Chayim Beit Midrash. Diving deep into Jewish sources, we find some amazing aspects of Joshua's role, mission, and parallels with David LeBlanc.

Mar 30, 2020

Book of Joshua #7 Mayim Chayim Beit Midrash. Diving deep into Jewish sources, we find some amazing aspects of Joshua's role, mission, and parallels with David LeBlanc.